Add the Q&A calls to your calendar or book out time to watch the replay
To really get the most out of your Accelerator membership, you’ll want to take advantage of the Weekly Q&A calls to get your most pressing AI and automation questions answered! Make sure to submit questions in advance of the call when possible to ensure they’ll get answered. Replays will be available by Thursday.
Add the monthly guest interview to your calendar or book time to watch the replay
Each month, we’ll be featuring an interview with a special guest with a unique perspective or case study on AI and automation within business, so you’ll definitely not want to miss it! Get it on your calendar now to ensure you don’t. Replays will be posted within 2 business days.
Join the Facebook group
The Facebook group will be a massive benefit to not just get some more direct interaction with us, but also pool together the minds of like-minded entrepreneurs and discover new ideas and forge new relationships. Male sure to use the email you signed up with when joining.
Check out the Training Library
The Training Library may quickly become your favorite place to be in the coming days, as we’ll be expanding your mind on the possibilities of AI and automation in your business. We’ll be continually adding at least one new training to it per month, so keep an eye out!
Post an intro in the Facebook group
It’s far too easy to simply join a Facebook group and never interact, but doing so cuts out a lot of the potential value of the community! For that reason, we’re recommending submitting an intro post in the Facebook group introducing yourself, telling the community about your business and what you’re looking to accomplish, and start getting conversations started!
(mark each milestone done once you complete it)