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Smarter Automation


For the Busy Entrepreneur Ready to Unleash the Power of AI and Automation Without Having to Become a Tech Wizard…

Introducing the

Smarter Automation Accelerator

An Interactive Membership Program Designed to Transform You Into a Cutting-Edge Small Business Owner Leveraging AI and Automation to Put Your Business Ahead in 2023 and Beyond

(Even if You’ve Got No Tech Skills Whatsoever!)

The Program Officially Begins in:

If you’re tired of watching from the sidelines as tech adopters grow their business leaps and bounds over you…

If you’re tired of feeling helpless trying to understand the latest AI and automation tools…

If you’ve struggled with where to start putting ChatGPT and other new AI and automation tools to work in your business…

If you are a devout non-techie looking to stay that way and focus purely on your passions within your business…

If you know deep down that your small business hasn’t come close to its true potential

If you want to empower yourself and your team to experience quantum leaps in capabilities and productivity


If you want world-class hands-on expertise helping you navigate this rapidly changing business world without falling victim to it…

Your Opportunity Awaits

We can help you take advantage of the most important technological breakthroughs since the dawn of the internet, even if you’re still trying to wrap your head around it all.

Wouldn't You Love It If You Were Able To...

Due to the incredible advances in AI and automation, this is all possible for you now, but with the right guidance.

What's Holding You Back?

How the Smarter Automation Accelerator Empowers You As a Non-Techie Entrepreneur

What Do You Get Access to Inside the Accelerator?

Think of this as a map that will guide you to any place you want to go with AI/automation as we explore the continually growing capabilities of the tools out there. You won’t find any fluff – only actionable training that helps you multiply your business’s potential and saves you time and headaches. We’ll also be doing live trainings where we’ll do deep dives into specific topics of interest to Accelerator members.

Want to know how to use AI and automation best in any given situation? Tap into Steve’s analytical and exploratory brain and 19 years of online business experience to guide you through any questions or challenges you’re facing with incorporating AI and automation.

AI and automation may be groundbreaking, but don’t assume you need to reinvent the wheel to grow and succeed with it. Each month, we’ll feature a special guest, which may either be an expert in AI/automation or a case study showing special uses of AI and automation and their direct impact.

Experience strength in numbers as you go through this enlightening journey with fellow business owners aiming for a common goal. Revel in each others wins, help each other through challenges, and get additional valuable perspectives that can help you achieve even more breakthroughs

Before you take your newfound AI/automation knowhow and run out to get the services and software you need to tackle your biggest projects, check our special perks exclusively for Smarter Automation members including incredible discounts and valuable free offers that can allow you to hit the ground running for much less!

Here's a Sneak Peek at Some of the Training You'll Have Access To

Watch and rewatch this special workshop where we provide actionable insights into how ChatGPT works and how to use it to its full potential to start or grow any online business (in ways no one else is talking about).

Keep this guide handy to help you write better ChatGPT prompts and avoid typical pitfalls along the way to unlock the true power of this incredible tool.

Make using AI easier than you ever imagined with a powerful Google sheet that with guided input, creates many hand-selected effective prompt templates for you to simply copy and paste.

One of the most powerful uses of automation is to bring in leads and sales on autopilot, and this training reveals one of the most effective ways to do exactly that: the Evergreen Launch Funnel.

If you’ve simply used Google Sheets as a collaborative version of Microsoft Excel, let us blow your mind as we show you many different ways your sheets could start automatically updating themselves with the data you need.

You Won’t Want to Miss Our Upcoming Special Guest:

Lloyd Thompson


Whether you’re a solopreneur or have a team of 100, at the heart of your business is your daily operations. This is one of the areas that AI and automation can really shine.

Steve and Sharon invited Lloyd Thompson, the founder of VirtualDOO, a fractional COO service, to discuss with them how AI and automation can improve daily operations.

Live Workshop in April:
Elevate and Simplify Your Team Building With ChatGPT and Automation

The recruiting process for new team members is time intensive and can be costly. In our upcoming live training, we’ll be showing you how to simplify the process using ChatGPT and Automation. Whether you’re looking for your first new hire or your 100th, this will be a powerful session.

Meet the Founders

Sharon Hayes is a growth architect and business strategist.

She currently serves as CEO of Venture Asset Group Incorporated and Domainate Incorporated, and is the chairwoman of multiple corporate boards. With business experience spanning over 3 decades, Sharon has built over two dozen businesses with an impressive client roster that has included hundreds of well known corporate brands, educational institutions, politicians and celebrities. She has also worked extensively with organizations of all sizes on strategic growth objectives.

Sharon is extremely passionate about technology. In the mid-1990’s, she built a business focused on helping corporations and government agencies move from old-school workstations on mainframe computers to PC desktops focused on database creation and use. She then moved into the online world in 1998 creating an email list management company that utilized personalized email and web experiences with clients ranging from Porsche to Tom Peters to IBM to CBS to American Standard. Her next big move was with a digital marketing agency focused on automating launches, lead generation and more.

Sharon is a proud alumni of John Molson School of Business (Concordia University).

Sharon’s other passions include travel, cryptocurrency, domain names, gamification, continued learning, human design, guitar playing, charcuterie, and motivation research.

Steve Jones is a branding, marketing and growth strategist helping businesses since 2004, currently serving as President of Domainate Incorporated. Having spearheaded thousands of growth initiatives across hundreds of businesses, Steve has been integral to taking many businesses to new levels of revenue and profit, having directly touched every facet of the online growth process at some point.

With a background in mathematics and programming, Steve takes a data-driven, analytical approach in working with businesses and specializes in discovering weak points of opportunity where simple improvements can massively increase the bottom line.

Steve is very passionate about staying on the leading edge of advancements in technology, in particular automation. He has helped many businesses automate their growth engines, integrate systems together to automate flow of data, and build complex automated email and SMS sequences to foster growth and retention.

Steve’s other passions include domain names, songwriting, tennis, and seeing the positive impact of small businesses he’s helped grow.

Become a Smarter Automation Accelerator Member

YES, go from AI/automation novice to growing my business and saving time with AI/automation without having to become a total techie as you receive

Monthly Membership

Pay monthly, cancel anytime.

$199 $99/month

Yearly Membership

Pay yearly, cancel anytime.

$999 $499/year

Save 58% when you pay yearly
(pay less than $1.50 per day)

The Choice Is Simple: Smarter or “Same Old”?​

Do you keep running your business the same old way with same old strategies and tactics that bring you the same old results?

Or do you leap into the future with a community that empowers you with the latest cutting-edge tech phenomenon in a simplified actionable way to skyrocket your business while working less and watching your competitors struggle to keep up?

The choice is simple and the choice is yours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope! We feel you’ll naturally want to remain a member long-term as we continue growing our training library and community, as the value and impact you can gain will only increase over time.

While Smarter Automation is geared primarily to online businesses, traditionally offline businesses are more than ever needing to establish and grow an online presence to compete.

In fact, the brick-and-mortar businesses succeeding the most these days are the ones attracting the bulk of their audience and customers online. The simple truth is that the tools and strategies you’ll discover as a member will be tomorrow’s must-haves to survive.

It would be much less painful for you to get on the AI/automation train now than in years or even months from now with the pace it’s growing.

Absolutely! Both founders of Smarter Automation have decades of experience in one of the very first steps to starting a new business: determining the brand name/domain, and what caused us to start Smarter Automation was seeing just how powerful ChatGPT could be in fully planning out a new business. Needless to say, we’ll cover plenty on these things and more within this membership.

As a member, you’ll quickly learn that there’s never been a better time to start a new business IF you are in the know about the many different ways AI/automation can fast-track the process.

Where this membership will REALLY help is beyond just AI. We have been on the forefront of marketing automation for many years and have helped many businesses establish lasting revenue streams that pull in steady and predictable leads, sales and revenue with little to no attention needed once they’re set up. Most businesses struggle to figure out simply bringing in steady leads and sales for many years if ever.

No, and here’s why: at their core, AI and automation help you better leverage your existing time, resources and energy, and while it might sometimes cost money to do so, there will never be a case where the time and resources saved aren’t worth the money.

Imagine taking a long-distance car trip, seeing a free route that’s lengthy and backed up with traffic and a toll route that leads to getting to your destination in half the time for a few bucks. Taking the toll road will always be worth it based on time saved, but the majority of people don’t do that, instead opting for a miserable driving experience and potentially hours of lost time.

It doesn’t stop there though. Most business owners do the equivalent of “avoiding the toll roads”.

As a member, you’ll be able to submit questions ahead of time, and we’ll provide replays of every call, so you can still get nearly the full benefit of being there without being there (but it’s better to make it live in case you have follow-up questions need additional clarity).

Yes! No silly tricks like forcing you to call us to cancel or give advance notice to cancel. You’ll be able to easily request cancellation from within the members portal.

Canceling means you no longer get all of our incredible guidance on navigating this intense world of AI/automation, which we can assure you is not a world you want to have to explore on your own, so we’re pretty confident that canceling will be the last thing on your mind.

Having been agency owners for the past decade, we have often worked with other agencies to help their clients in various ways, and we see this membership as another opportunity to do that as well.

We’d love to discuss more details with you to see how best to help – contact us and let us know more about your business, who you serve and how many memberships you’re looking to get and we can discuss options.

We only allow one person access per purchased membership. We’ve kept the pricing for membership very affordable. That said, we allow annual memberships to be transferable. So if a team member leaves your organization, you can transfer their membership to another person within your organization. To take advantage of this, the email address on their account must use your company’s domain name.

Great! We’ll clarify anything you need, simply contact us.

What Are You Waiting For?

Don’t let another minute pass by without hopping on the AI and automation revolution and leaving the old world behind!