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Smarter Automation


Simplifying AI and Automation for Non-Techie Small Business Owners

AI & Automation: The New Normal

The world is changing at a rapid pace, and AI and automation are becoming the new normal in business. As a small business owner, it’s important to embrace these new technologies to stay competitive and thrive in today’s digital landscape.

Many small business owners feel like going into the realm of AI & automation means just more things added to their already overflowing to-do list. In fact, with the right knowledge and tools, it can actually free up more time for you.

At Smarter Automation, we understand that the thought of implementing AI and automation can be overwhelming. But with our support and guidance, you can navigate this new normal and take advantage of the many benefits that these technologies offer.

By embracing AI and automation, you can streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and provide better customer experiences. At the end of the day, this means greater profits for your business, the ability to scale up and the option to exit your business for more money when the time comes.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back. Embrace the new normal and start leveraging AI and automation to grow your business. With Smarter Automation, you’ll have the support and guidance you need to succeed in today’s digital world.

Our Mission

Our mission at is to help small business owners be able to better leverage automation and AI within their businesses so that the business owner has more free time, makes more money and has the option of selling their business for more money than they otherwise would have.  We aim to impact 500,000 small businesses globally by 2030.

We currently are working towards this mission by offering virtual workshops and one-on-one assistance. We’ll soon be adding on tools and software as a service solutions along with in person events, on-demand training and more.

How We Help

Smarter Business with ChatGPT Workshop

Feeling FOMO when you see mention of ChatGPT? We’re offering a deep dive workshop on ChatGPT that will take you from novice to feeling equipped to putting this powerful tool to use in your business. We offer this workshop live with the option to get replay access.


If you’re actively putting AI and automation into practice in your business, our Accelerator membership can help make it easier. Designed for the owners, CEOs, Presidents and managers of small businesses, we provide the guidance, training and support to make it all much easier. All for less than the cost of taking your family to dinner!

Work With Us

If you know you’re ready to implement automation and AI within your business, but you aren’t sure where to start or don’t have the in-house resources to make this happen, we can help! We work with a limited number of small business owners on a one-on-one basis through consulting and implementation services.

Work With Us

If you know you’re ready to implement automation and AI within your business, but you aren’t sure where to start or don’t have the in-house resources to make this happen, we can help! We work with a limited number of small business owners on a one-on-one basis through consulting and implementation services.

We Invest in AI/Automation Businesses

Have you created a fantastic tool or SaaS platform and want to take it to the next level? Maybe you are ready to move onto your next project? We may be able to help make this a reality for you!

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