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Smarter Automation

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Our Story

Non-Techies, Rejoice!

When computers and the internet started to really blossom, it quickly became clear: tech was easy for some people and not for others.

Luckily for Smarter Automation founders Sharon Hayes and Steve Jones, early adoption of computers and internet came naturally, and each became the go-to person in their circles for anything tech.

Recently, it dawned on them: without realizing it, they’d each largely run tech businesses that catered to the less tech-savvy business owner, helping those people take advantage of technology without having to become a geek themselves.

As the realization also set in that many of their businesses centered around empowering small business owners with automation, what came next was a no-brainer: let’s help non-techies leverage the biggest advancement in tech since computers: AI and automation.

Smarter Automation was born, and non-techies everywhere rejoiced!

Our Bigger Mission

We’re well into the 21st century, computers and the internet have flourished for decades, and everyone wields nearly unlimited power in the palm of their hand.

So why the heck does everyone work so much?! Wasn’t tech supposed to make life easy instead of busy?

This has never been truer than for small business owners today, who wear tons of hats and 14-hour work days as an identity.

It’s simple: we believe all small business owners should be able to take advantage of AI and automation to reduce or eliminate the work they don’t have to be doing, shouldn’t be doing and don’t want to do.

That’s why we have the goal of helping 500,000 small businesses globally by 2030 grow with the power of AI and automation.

Will we ever reach a time when people no longer need to put busy work over their biggest passions and strengths? Maybe, maybe not.

But we’re proud to be doing our part to make this future happen!

Your Business Is Our Business

If there’s one defining value at the forefront of how we interact with anyone we help, it’s that we treat their business like it’s our business.

In a world with so much bad advice and instant experts, you can rest assured that you’re getting the very best of us, refined from many trials and tribulations over the years.

We take pride in having helped countless small business owners break through limits they would have never gotten beyond on their own. Those are the moments we live for.

With AI and automation perpetually getting more powerful than ever, there’s never been a bigger opportunity for us to enable small business owners to not just smash those limits, but free themselves as they do it.

Clients in our other businesses come back to us time and time again to be their trusted advisor, some for over a decade. With the new ways we can now transform businesses, another decade may be in the cards!

We Can Help You Realize Your Dreams

If there’s one defining value at the forefront of how we interact with anyone we help, it’s that we treat their business like it’s our business.

In a world with so much bad advice and instant experts, you can rest assured that you’re getting the very best of us, refined from many trials and tribulations over the years.

We take pride in having helped countless small business owners break through limits they would have never gotten beyond on their own. Those are the moments we live for.

With AI and automation perpetually getting more powerful than ever, there’s never been a bigger opportunity for us to enable small business owners to not just smash those limits, but free themselves as they do it.

Clients in our other businesses come back to us time and time again to be their trusted advisor, some for over a decade. With the new ways we can now transform businesses, another decade may be in the cards!

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Who We Are

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Suspendisse dignissim nisi ut magna malesuada, eget efficitur enim consequat. Nunc gravida vehicula libero, non finibus arcu. Praesent enim tellus, mattis quis condimentum vel, eleifend sit amet massa.

Nunc molestie quis purus quis maximus. Aenean accumsan nisl et faucibus suscipit. Praesent tempus, mauris at feugiat iaculis, dolor dolor hendrerit dolor, ac commodo velit ipsum sit amet nibh.

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