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Smarter Automation


Training Library

We’ll be adding 2-4 new trainings per month. Want training on a specific topic? Click here and let us know.

Smarter Business With ChatGPT Workshop

Watch and rewatch this special workshop where we provide actionable insights into how ChatGPT works and how to use it to its full potential to start or grow any online business (in ways no one else is talking about).

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Evergreen Launch Funnels

One of the most powerful uses of automation is to bring in leads and sales on autopilot, and this training reveals one of the most effective ways to do exactly that: the Evergreen Launch Funnel.

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Smarter Prompts Guide

Keep this guide handy to help you write better ChatGPT prompts and avoid typical pitfalls along the way to unlock the true power of this incredible tool.

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101 Basic Prompts for ChatGPT

This training will be available soon.

Google Sheets Automation

This training will be released soon.